Kulkarni, PLC

Kulkarni, PLC

Kulkarni, PLC

Years of Experience
My practice is built on the belief that an exceptional attorney is one who adheres to the strictest professional and personal ethics. Trust is a necessary component of any successful business or personal relationship. I consider earning the trust of my clients one of the primary goals of my practice.
Once my office has been retained, I do everything necessary to gain a clear picture of your legal situation and communicate plainly to you the options you have with regard to the level of service you need and the fees associated with each. I understand that legal situations are often stressful. Having an experienced attorney on your side giving you information and guidance will go far towards reducing this stress.
Practice Areas
Our primary areas of practice are real estate, estate planning, probate/trust administration and civil litigation.
New Clients
We look forward to working with you! If you have not already done so, please schedule your appointment with Paul by contacting him at [email protected] or by calling our office at 248 471-9100. Please click here to view information for new clients and to access our new client Intake Forms and the map and directions for our office.

Blog Posts
Caregiver Gets to Keep IRA
Documents Parents Should Have Before A Child Goes to College
Why Do I Need a Will? Won’t Everything Go To My Spouse When I Die?
Do You Need a New Tax ID Number For Your Revocable Trust?
No Creditor Protection for Retirement Accounts Obtained in Divorce
Wife Inherits From Husband Despite Living Separately for Over 30 Years
Pets are Still Considered Property in Divorce Cases
New Law Limits Mediation in Divorce Cases Involving PPO’s
Jhon Mathew
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